Network Monitoring and iPad Windowing
La Terminal's March release is out, and it is packed with new features: New network monitoring visualization, split windows and multiple screen support on the iPad, drag and drop for uploading files and much more.
Network Monitoring
Resource monitors now include a network traffic visualization that plots data traffic on a world map to help you understand the sources and targets of connections to and from your connected hosts.

Roadmap Voting
Help plot the course for La Terminal features by voting for the enhancements you’d most like to see us work on next. To cast your votes, look for “Vote on Roadmap” in Settings.
If you’d like to suggest features for our roadmap, you can file your enhancement requests on the La Terminal repo on GitHub.
iPad Improvements
This release adds support for scenes, split windows and multiple screens, so you can now pull terminals and monitors out to the side bar, or into their own top-level windows.

Drag and Drop
Need to get a file from you iPhone or iPad onto your host? An active La Terminal session can now act as a drop target for files and folders. Try long-pressing an image in the Photos app, or a file in the Files app, and dragging the file to a La Terminal session to upload.
Monitoring improvements
Resource monitors that have been pulled out to a split screen or new window now flow to make better use of the available space.
Monitoring gauges on overloaded systems can now show usage above 100% by filling concentric circles.
Other Improvements
- Better organization for your hosts: you can now tag your terminals to easily group them by that category - or you can group using many of the built-in grouping capabilities.

- Faster AI suggestion response time - El Copiloto now probes your host type and shell while you type your question.
- You can now choose “Install SSH Key” from the settings menu in any logged-in session to easily install any key you have configured in La Terminal.
- You can configure “Option as Meta Key” in Settings, or toggle Option key behavior with Command-Shift-o on iPad, just like you would on the MacOS Terminal app.
- SFTP-less mode: speed-up logging-in to systems that lack SFTP by flagging those systems as such.